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Thinking of Buying ... Budget-Friendly Surgical Tables - Outpatient Su
No More Pre-Op Phone Calls - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - May, 2013
Behind Closed Doors - The Toughest Job You'll Ever Loathe Love - Outpa
Are Your ORs Hurting Your Docs? - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - May, 2
Get Patients Ambulatory Faster - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - May, 20
All in a Day's Work - A Day in the Life of a Surgical Administrator -
Plugging the Leaks in Your Spending Bucket - Outpatient Surgery Magazi
Popular Antidepressants Increase Complication Risks - This Just In - M
Study Identifies 3 Independent Predictors of C. diff - This Just In -
Two New Resources for Surgical Fires Prevention - This Just In - April
Surgeon Gropes Tech in OR - This Just In - April, 2013
Robotic Surgery Failure Rates Up, FDA Wants to Know Why - This Just In
$6M Settlement in Muted Monitor Death - This Just In - April, 2013
Hospital OK to Fire Impaired Surgical Nurse for Poor Performance - Thi
ASC Leader Looks Back on Boston Marathon - This Just In - April, 2013
CareFusion Recalls Infusion Pump Component - This Just In - April, 201
3 Sure-Fire Steps to Standardized Preps - Infection Control - May, 201
7 Keys to Effective Decontamination - Infection Control - May, 2013
Dealing With Fluid Waste Management's Uncertain Future - Infection Con
A Hands-On Approach To Improved Infection Control - Infection Control