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FDA Says Recalled Stryker Device is Potentially Deadly - This Just In
Long Island Surgeon Agrees to Pay Feds $388,000 - This Just In - Augus
Duke Docs Who Attached Intestine to Vagina Must Stand Trial - This Jus
Michael Jackson Sought Personal Propofol Pusher - This Just In - Augus
$1.9M Verdict in Endoscopic Surgery Death - This Just In - August, 201
Time's Running Out to Report Medicare Quality Data - This Just In - Au
Surgeon Claims He Intended to Operate on Wrong Leg - This Just In - Au
Doc Claims Hospital Deliberately Infected His Patients - This Just In
Did Alcohol Prep Cause Surgical Fire? - This Just In - August, 2013
Former Doc Arrested for Stealing Surgical Equipment - This Just In - A
Eye Surgeon Desperately Seeking His Soulmate - This Just In - August,
Initiative Leading to Better Surgical Outcomes for Children - This Jus
Anesthesia Alert: TAP Blocks for Abdominal Surgery - Outpatient Surger
Ideas That Work: Reuse Plastic Bags - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Au
Ideas That Work: 3 Rules For Drug Safety - Outpatient Surgery Magazine
Which Skin Prep Is Best? - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - August, 2013
Ideas That Work: Quick Meet and Greet - Outpatient Surgery Magazine -
Product News - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - August, 2013
Ideas That Work: Clutter-Free OR - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Augus
Medical Malpractice: 10 Common Slip-Ups That Can Get You Sued - Outpat