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Behind Closed Doors - Be Patient With Your Patients - Outpatient Surge
What's New in Minimally Invasive Surgery - Outpatient Surgery Magazine
Thinking of Buying ... LED Surgical Lights - Outpatient Surgery Magazi
Buy the Right Ophthalmic Instruments - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - J
5 Myths About Surface Disinfection - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Jun
Editor's Page - 'I Am the Queen, and This Is My Castle' - Outpatient S
Can You Ace Our Skin Prepping Pop Quiz? - Outpatient Surgery Magazine
Anesthesia Alert - Anesthesia Safety for the Elderly - Outpatient Surg
6 Patient Positioning Principles - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - June,
Take a Proactive Approach Against MRSA - This Just In - June, 2013
Is Surgery Center Liable for Patient's Miscarriage? - This Just In - M
N.J. ASC Says It's Being Targeted by Aetna - This Just In - May, 2013
Odds of Dying Much Higher After Friday, Weekend Surgeries - This Just
Adenotonsillectomy Improves Sleep Apnea in Children - This Just In - M
Aetna Sues NJ ASC Over Out-of-Network Practices - This Just In - May,
Eye Surgeon Not Liable for Prepping Mishap - This Just In - May, 2013
Did Rushing Cause This Fatal Surgical Error? - This Just In - May, 201
Does Your Insurer Have to Pay to Defend You? - This Just In - May, 201
Stark Violations Might Cost Tuomey Healthcare System $357M - This Just
Tech Walks Out on Surgical Case, Sues Hospital for Firing Him - This J