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Nurse's Age-Discrimination Suit is Tossed - This Just In - July, 2013
FDA Again Delays Sugammadex Approval - This Just In - July, 2013
Poor Infection Control Led to Elderly Woman's Suicide - This Just In -
FDA Approves Shorter Device Sterilization Test - This Just In - July,
55 More Hospitals Settle in Kyphoplasty Case - This Just In - July, 20
Telehealth's Role in Outpatient Surgery - This Just In - July, 2013
Verathon Recalls Its Video Laryngoscope Reusable Blades - This Just In
Cutting Remarks: Help, We've Gone Electronic! - Outpatient Surgery Mag
Are Those High-Touch Surfaces Clean? - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - J
Ideas that work, a suctioning solution fro draining smelly sores.
Ideas That Work: Hydrogen Peroxide - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Jul
Letters & E-mails: Was Positioning Cover Photo Degrading? - Outpatient
From the Site to the Sight - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - July, 2013
Ideas that work, nasal congestion spray to make local anesthetic easier.
Ideas that work, pull off adhesive tape without the ouch.
Massachusetts hospitals are reporting increasing numbers of surgical errors.
Infection Prevention: Video's Starring Role in Better Hand Hygiene - O
New products that will look great in your ORs.
Medicare's proposed rule for 2014 payment rates would increase hospital outpatient reimbursements by 1.8% and ASC reimbursements by 0.9%.
Staffing: The Art of the Employee Interview - Outpatient Surgery Magaz