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House Bill Would Boost ASC Status - This Just In - June, 2013
R.I. Hospital Pays $500,000 to Settle Stark Claims - This Just In - Ju
A Transformative Technology for Surgical Imaging? - This Just In - Jun
Chicago Doc Billed for Procedures He Never Performed - This Just In -
Medtronic Xomed Recalling Endotracheal Tube - This Just In - June, 201
Laughing Gas Doesn't Promote Heart Attacks - This Just In - June, 2013
The Art of PONV Prevention - Ambulatory Anesthesia - July, 2013
Top Tips for Managing Post-Op Pain - Ambulatory Anesthesia - July, 201
Low-Flow Anesthesia For Quicker Recoveries - Ambulatory Anesthesia - J
Rev Up With Regional - Ambulatory Anesthesia - July, 2013
High-Profile Surgeon Loses Hospital Privileges - This Just In - June,
Manage Airways the Ambulatory Way - Ambulatory Anesthesia - July, 2013
Warming to Faster Patient Discharges - Ambulatory Anesthesia - July, 2
Why Vital Signs Are Vitally Important - Ambulatory Anesthesia - July,
Ben Carson, MD, Wants to Operate in Political Realm - This Just In - J
Vascular Access Made Easy - Ambulatory Anesthesia - July, 2013
Patient Sues After Spilling Coffee in Post-op - This Just In - June, 2
Hospital's High Use of Spinal Implants Draws Heat - This Just In - Jun
Spine Injections Weaken Bones, Increase Risk of Fracture - This Just I
Is Propofol Freely Flowing Again? - This Just In - June, 2013