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Ohio Spine Surgeon Charged With Medicare Fraud - This Just In - August

Nominate Your Facility for the 5th Annual OR Excellence Awards - This

Consumer Reports Rates Hospitals for Surgical Safety - This Just In -

Clean ORs: A Surprisingly New Concept - This Just In - July, 2013

Surgery Center Facing 2 Years of Scrutiny by State - This Just In - Ju

Robotic Surgery Reportedly Goes Awry - This Just In - July, 2013

ASC Leaders Concerned About Healthcare Reform - This Just In - July, 2

Ortho's Dynamic Dozen - Orthopedic Surgery - August, 2013

4 Keys to Safe Tourniquet Use - Orthopedic Surgery - August, 2013

Regional's Role In Improved Ortho Outcomes - Orthopedic Surgery - Augu

The Case for Surgical Navigation - Orthopedic Surgery - August, 2013

How Do You Handle Fluid Waste? - Orthopedic Surgery - August, 2013

ABC's of C-Arm Safety - Orthopedic Surgery - August, 2013

Pick the Right Power Tools - Orthopedic Surgery - August, 2013

Hospital Administrator Pleads Guilty to $4 Million Fraud - This Just I

Buying Ortho Tables That Everybody Loves - Orthopedic Surgery - August

Scope Safely - Orthopedic Surgery - August, 2013

Cover Controversies - This Just In - July, 2013

Avoid the Risks of Surgeon Fatigue - This Just In - July, 2013

New Guide Helps ASCs Prevent Infection During Disasters - This Just In

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