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How Do You Enhance Patient Safety? Readers reveal the solutions they use to augment the efforts of their protective-minded surgical teams.

Ideas That Work: Secret Room; Help Staff Spot Mistakes in Seconds

Gearing Up for Safety and Comfort; These products and devices will go a long way toward keeping your surgical team happy and healthy.

Infection Prevention: You've Got a Friend in SPD; A buddy system improves the effectiveness of instrument care.

Coding & Billing: Don't Leave Money on the Table; The bundling guidance you follow impacts your reimbursement rates.

Ideas That Work: Greening The OR; Segregate Waste at the Point of Use

Behind Closed Doors: She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not; RN ISO that warm and fuzzy feeling.

Product News; Great Ideas for Your OR.

Business Advisor: Outpatient Cardiology Is On the Way; Opportunities abound as heart care migrates to same-day settings.

Ideas That Work: Sticky Solution; Gum Speeds Up Post-Op Digestive Function

Ideas That Work: Team Building; Let Staff Show Their True Colors

The Building Blocks of Regional Anesthesia; A back-to-basics approach is needed to expand the use of one of the most effective ways to manage post-op pain.

Like many Americans, my life has been radically altered by the opioid crisis. More than a decade ago, a family member was prescribed 50 pills of OxyContin for a relatively...

Those who accuse surgery of fanning the flames of the opioid epidemic point to misguided efforts to mask virtually all post-op pain and discomfort by writing...

To prevent the next patient from getting hooked on opioids, let’s first consider what helped cause the national epidemic to spiral out of control. It wasn’t surgeons passing...

Standardized Scripts for Every Surgery; Tailoring pill counts to procedure type will right-size your post-op opioid prescriptions.

You could make a legitimate argument that the CDC’s labeling of pain as “the fifth vital sign” in 2001 did more harm than good and directly contributed to the current opioid...

One of our facility's surgeons is well known for sending patients home after surgery with 3 opioid pills. That's it. His patients are initially surprised and wonder if that will be...

Nerve blocks are the most targeted form of analgesia available, arming your anesthesia providers with the ability to direct local anesthetics to specific areas of the body to...

Why does the opioid epidemic hit home for you? Ilan Kirsh, my best friend from childhood, died on the stoop of my apartment in...

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