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A one-word sign on a fleet of fluid waste management carts lets your OR team know which devices have been emptied and cleaned and which ones haven’t. After we...

“I’m done,” said my wife, sliding her chair back from the breakfast table on a recent Saturday morning. Or was it Wednesday?...

Post-operative nausea and vomiting is the last thing patients who've just had surgery need to deal with. Whether PONV is caused by anxiety, a bad reaction to anesthesia...

Endoscopes must be long, narrow and flexible to do their jobs. This also makes them extremely delicate and notoriously difficult to clean. They can break in transport from the procedure room to the sterile processing area and can wear down from daily rounds of high-level disinfection....

You famously performed the world’s first virtual reality surgery in 2016. How does operating in front of 55,000 viewers in 142 countries compare to routine surgery?...

Imagine a central sterile processing department that looks like a high-tech manufacturing facility, with employees working alongside advanced machines with...

We are entering a new and exciting era of surgery. Cutting-edge technology that seemed like it was straight out of a sci-fi movie just a few years ago is being used with...

Alexa is already talked to like a member of the family in some households. Someday, these virtual assistants might act like members of your surgical team. You’ll be able...

Forward-thinking facilities are embracing a high-tech approach to hip and knee replacements by outfitting their ORs with robotic platforms. Can you blame them?...

We've made tremendous progress in rehabbing and recovering outpatient hip and knee replacement patients. In the not too distant past, total joint patients could expect...

The opioid epidemic has forced frontline providers, clinical researchers and even patients to think about better ways to manage post-op pain. It’s no easy task. Ask 10...

You'll soon think of high-definition monitors like you do tube TVs — relics of a bygone era. "Ultra-high-def and 3D-HD laparoscopy provide better views, wider color range and...

Every day, your OR teams use numerous real-world products and evidence-based techniques to better ensure every patient’s safety. However, when adverse events or...

The lead aprons, skirts and vests your staff wear to protect themselves from radiation exposure are an often-ignored aspect of infection prevention protocols. Following these...

C-arm technology has improved by leaps and bounds in recent years with compact mobile units producing images that rival the quality of those produced by higher-end,...

At the heart of electrosurgery safety is a firm understanding of how the technology works and the core principles driving its use. A base knowledge of the physics behind...

Boost Your Endoscope Efficiency;Small improvements in colonoscopy screenings will help keep patients moving.

The Hazardous Drug Bags from Medi-Dose can help your facility comply with USP <800>, which provides standards for limiting staff exposure to potentially harmful...

Technological advancements have allowed for the gradual shift of complex surgeries from acute care hospitals to outpatient ORs. Several procedures are on the move...

I love to sketch and draw in my free time, so during pre-op clinic visits I ask patients what kind of drawing they want me to make on the bandages I'll place over their scars...

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