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It’s been three months since the coronavirus outbreak shuttered outpatient operating rooms across the country, leaving surgical professionals to wonder how long the hiatus...
Our boutique ophthalmic surgery center caters to cataract patients who pay out of pocket for premium lenses and expect a higher level of comfort and service. We roll...
Medi-Dose/EPS has added blue, red, orange, green and pink options to its popular line of bright yellow Lid-Label Covers. The additional colors will help providers identify...
I’m known for crafting surgical caps made of bright colorful fabric and giving them to my colleagues as small gestures of how much I appreciate working with them....
Elective surgeries are back on the schedule and staff are returning under new circumstances and different expectations. As you begin to perform procedures amid the...
As elective procedures resume during the COVID-19 outbreak, you need to tactfully communicate with anxious patients, help financially strapped individuals afford surgery,...
One positive that's come out of the COVID-19 pandemic is a renewed focus on proper infection control practices. Facilities everywhere are ramping up their protocols...
Elective procedures are beginning again in areas of the country where the curve of the new coronavirus is flattening. If you already have strong infection prevention...
Effectively screening patients for COVID-19 is part of pre-op protocols as outpatient facilities across the country slowly begin performing elective procedures again....
Even if your facility isn’t on the frontlines of the battle to combat COVID-19, you can still find ways to join in and help. For our temporarily shuttered surgery center, that meant...
Many surgical staff members went to areas hit hardest by COVID-19 to lend their desperately needed skills to patients infected by the virus. Even those who weren't on...
It’s hard to believe 20 years have passed since the enactment of the Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act. The landmark legislation requires surgical facilities to identify,...
We wanted to know if surgeons are liking what they’re seeing during surgery, so last month we asked readers for their thoughts on the imaging technologies used in...
The nature of spine surgery makes the risk of wrong-site errors greater than in any other surgical discipline. Similar-looking vertebrae, patient obesity, anatomic...
Even before the coronavirus crisis, operating a surgical facility in one of Alaska’s largest cities brought unique challenges. Patients from rural villages in the state’s rugged...
The sterile processing staff at Winchester (Va.) Medical Center reprocesses trays of instruments sent to them from 15 ORs. That's a lot to manage, so perhaps it's no surprise...
From the HIV crisis of the 1980s to the H1N1 pandemic of 2009 to the Ebola outbreak in 2014, Maureen Spencer, MEd, RN, CIC, FAPIC, has seen a lot during her more than...
Imagine working in a facility where 50 orthopedic surgeons have their own unique skin prepping protocols. Factor in 20 nurses who are trying to support the variations...
Prewarming Works Wonders; Early interventions to maintain normothermia reduce infection risks and increase patient satisfaction.
You recently took to social media to host a Q&A about the coronavirus. What surprised you most about the response?...