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My family is firmly in the camp of taking the coronavirus threat seriously. Although I am beginning to venture away from home more often these days, masked and sanitized,...
MYTH #1: A post-op fever is indicative of MH FACT: Many clinicians worry that MH may begin in the postoperative period with a fever...
Celebrating staff birthdays is far from a new idea, but we think we created the perfect twist to the common morale-booster. Before an upcoming birthday, several staff...
It's certainly been a challenging year for eye surgery centers, many of which were forced to close for several weeks during the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic....
Your OR staff is under enough pressure to achieve excellent outcomes and keep the surgical schedule on track during days packed with cases from early morning to late...
Putting patients in steep Trendelenburg is arguably one of the most challenging positioning tasks your OR staff faces. With the number of robotic urologic and...
More than ever, older patients are doing everything within their power to stay active longer. For many with osteoporotic pressure injuries, multiple treatments often don't...
Great leaders get their employees to reach their top potential and ultimately create top-performing facilities with near perfect patient satisfaction rates. Too often, however,...
The coronavirus outbreak disrupted the nation’s way of life and completely changed the way surgery is performed. The spring peak has passed, but summer spikes in Florida,...
What if your OR had a data recorder similar to those installed in planes — the “Black Box” — that would provide a record of what happens during surgeries in the interest of...
Establishing a healthy workplace culture is critical to the overall success of your facility and ensures staff members are focused on providing safe patient care, according to...
Nurses are constantly faced with the challenge of doing more with less, says William Duffy, RN, MJ, CNOR, FAAN, director of the health systems management program at...
Total joint replacements continue to be one of outpatient surgery’s hottest specialties. Positioning your facility to capture increasing case volumes demands developing...
OR Excellence 2020 Schedule at a Glance
You've Got This: Bring Positivity to Each Workday In the fast-paced, high-pressure world of surgery, you can't eliminate stress altogether....
If someone promises you a formula to take away on-the-job stress, they’re lying. Workplace stress is not only normal, it’s unavoidable — especially for busy surgical...
Get a sneak peek at the innovative technology and services you'll learn more about in the conference's Virtual Exhibit Hall.
Are you embracing members of minority groups and welcoming all patients and staff, regardless of their race, ethnicity, sexuality and physical ability? What you say, and...
The Virtual OR Excellence Program will launch with live sessions on Thursday, Oct. 22 and Friday, Oct. 23. The virtual experience will continue with live presentations...
OR Excellence enters its 12th year, which feels like a good time to look back at how far we’ve come since launching the inaugural meeting in San Francisco. We were new...