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Any reprocessing tech worth their scrub brush knows dirty instruments can't be properly sterilized. There's another instrument care risk hiding in plain sight, however,...

Nasal decolonization should be part of a multifaceted approach to stop the transmission of the new coronavirus in surgical settings and to protect staff and...

There’s no silver-bullet, one-size-fits-all replacement for opioids in the management of post-op pain, so clinicians are experimenting with various drugs and techniques,...

On April 17, the Trump administration issued a three-step plan for reopening the American economy as parts of the nation begin to emerge from the coronavirus...

Working in the ICU comes as a culture shock to surgical professionals who have grown accustomed to the immediate gratification of caring for patients where successful...

Healthcare professionals don't do well sitting still. If your staff is faced with too much free time during the COVID-19 crisis, look for non-clinical tasks that need to be done...

If a survey uncovers an issue that will take a lot of effort (time and money) to solve, always ask the surveyor if there’s an easier way to make the fix and still be...

Finally, thankfully, ORs have begun to reopen for elective procedures in communities where COVID-19 cases are on the decline. The coronavirus pandemic that temporarily...

I've been working near the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City, intubating patients on a special team formulated specifically to manage the airways of...

Members of our surgical team were particularly grossed out about wearing thyroid shields others had worn during procedures involving intraoperative imaging....

I In our endoscopy department, we make a MESSSS first thing in the morning. The acronym, which we discovered through SGNA, makes it easy to remember the agenda...

On the surface, the decision to standardize your facility's mesh supplies is all about dollars and cents. After all, if you can switch from a couple dozen types of mesh...

Letting valuable members of your staff go has to be the worst part of your job. After all, you entered health care because you have a calling for helping others and no doubt...

Remove smudges and bacteria from video monitors, computer screens or personal devices and help stop the spread of pathogens with the iRoller from SKT Productions....

High-volume surgery centers need to take advantage of any operational enhancements they can to stay ahead of the game. That's why we've become proactive about IV starts...

Reprocessing technicians have one of the most important jobs in an endoscopy center. The complicated and detailed task of cleaning and reprocessing multiple scopes...

Like some of you, I had planned to canvas the booths in the exhibit hall at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting in Orlando in March....

When the coronavirus outbreak caused a shortage of personal protective equipment at our hospital, we jumped at the chance to help and developed the prototype for a DIY...

Walk into an OR where 4K video is showing on flat screen monitors and try not to gawk. "The quality of the video images displayed in today's ORs are remarkable," says...

It’s been nearly two months since the coronavirus began to invade every facet of our day-to-day lives. Heck, it virtually shut down our very livelihood when elective...

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