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After gynecological procedures such as hysterectomies, surgeons place vaginal packing to stop excessive bleeding. But how are physicians and even patients to know that...

Reports emerged six years ago about fatal outbreaks of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in patients who underwent endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography...

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, members of your surgical team must wear the right level of PPE to protect themselves from exposure to COVID-19. Too little...

The proper positioning of patients undergoing orthopedic procedures prevents nerve and skin injuries and gives surgeons better access to the joints they're repairing or...

When the Joint Commission looked at the most commonly reported sentinel events from ambulatory care organizations in 2018 and the first half of 2019, wrong-site...

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, our health system shut down three facilities to protect them from the coronavirus. When those facilities reopened for elective...

When it became clear there was a severe shortage of COVID-19 testing kits in our area, we decided to build our own with a team of volunteers at our newly opened...

Staff can feel disconnected from the decisionmakers who determine how facilities are run. Giving them an opportunity to have their voices heard and speak openly with...

Earlier this year, Buffalo Surgery in Amherst, N.Y., Center was humming along as usual. More than 30 physicians packed its ORs and procedure rooms with 1,500 cases...

Robotic assistance has revolutionized prostate removal. It's a far better option than removing the gland through a large incision, which can cause significant blood loss...

Believe it or not, there is some good news about the coronavirus. It's an enveloped virus, meaning it's very easy to kill on hard surfaces. Of course, there are a lot of surfaces...

Last month, as peaceful protests and violent opposition took over American cities following George Floyd's murder, surgical professionals around the country began to...

If your ears begin to feel the pinch from wearing masks all day as you return work during the coronavirus outbreak, reach for a Barrel of Monkeys. It's one of the many...

Now that electives are back on, I’ve become nostalgic for insanely packed days of 25-plus surgeries with four rooms humming, nurses crisscrossing the hall and a waiting...

There's no time like the present to take full advantage of regional anesthesia to manage post-op pain. Nerve blocks are being placed with more precision, patients are...

Anesthesia providers are placing intubation boxes between themselves and the patients they're intubating to serve as a barrier against COVID-19-containing aerosolized...

irst, I felt nauseous. Then, I felt pain in my lower abdomen. My head began to ache, and I had a slight temperature. It was early April, during the peak of the coronavirus...

Awareness continues to develop around the negative health effects of surgical smoke, which contains harmful chemicals, carcinogens, bacteria and viruses. Spending a full...

The battle for control of the thermostat is a common occurrence in ORs and a source of undo stress for the surgical team. We decided to give final say of the room's...

Being forced to quarantine at home during the coronavirus outbreak has been relatively easy to manage. Can’t go to work. Can’t hang out with friends and family....

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