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Judge blocks further testimony by victims of the 2012 fungal meningitis outbreak. "The emotional impact on the jurors has been visible to the court," judge writes in his ruling.
Jury exonerates "double-booking" surgeon in high-profile case. In concurrent surgery, specialists move from OR to OR, performing the most challenging and intricate components of surgery.
Malpractice threats don't improve surgical outcomes. Study finds surgeons who operate in litigious communities aren't more likely to perform safer surgeries.
Sprays and wipes could degrade plastics over time. The repeated use of "incompatible" cleaning products could be harming medical devices.
Hospital on the hook for $7 million after surgeon falls off rolling stool. It allegedly "shot out from underneath him," causing brain injury that ended his career.
New England Compounding Center produced drugs that were superpotent and subpotent. Quality control manager testifies at deadly meningitis trial that some compounded drugs were too strong, others too weak.
Inside our outpatient vascular surgical center. How we tapped into an expanding opportunity of treating vein-related maladies and diseases.
3 amazing advances in refractive cataract surgery. Outfit your facility to deliver the optimum outcomes savvy patients are demanding.
Boost your adenoma detection rate. Tools, techniques and technology for more efficient screening colonoscopies.
Thinking of Buying ... Whole-room disinfection systems? Automated units reach the surfaces that manual cleaning misses.
Improve happiness and get a group talking with this Idea That Works.
Business advisor: Low patient satisfaction scores will cost you. Medicare will withhold part of your reimbursement if patient surveys sag.
Cutting remarks: Living your bliss. Reclaim your passion and do what makes your heart sing.
Re-energize and start the day off right with this Idea That Works from Oakland, CA.
Anesthesia alert: Key takeaways from the new OSA guidelines. What the latest obstructive sleep apnea recommendations mean to you.
Coming clean on instrument washers. Tips for buying the machine that's right for your facility.
Save time moving disinfecting robots around with this Idea That Works from Olean, NY.
For a cleaner capnography with more stability try this Idea That Works from Austin, Texas.
Behind Closed Doors: The not-so-golden olden days. A look back at a simpler — but not necessarily better — time in the OR.
Legal update: The legal burden of workplace bullying. Staff-on-staff hostility puts your facility at risk for litigation.