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How do you dispose of fluid medical waste? Three facilities discuss their choice of liquid waste management.

Get IVs started in less time with this Idea That Works from Palo Alto, California.

Coding & billing: 3 places to look for hidden revenue. You're likely to find income stashed away in these unexpected places.

Improve ADR performance with this Idea That Works from Flowood, Miss.

Staffing: Avoid career burnout. 3 steps to improve your physical and mental wellbeing.

Keep cords organized with this Idea That Works from Waltham, Mass.

Double-gloving a hole in one? How we convinced our surgeons and staff to double-glove.

Endoscope reprocessing gone wrong. Recent outbreaks shine light on the dirty truth about the scope cleaning practices at facilities across the country.

Your options for managing small pupils. The list of devices and drugs for pupillary dilation and maintenance is growing.

Simplify and streamline your pre-admissions process and get staff involved with this Idea That Works from Dublin, Ohio.

Ideas That Work: Bag Up That Used Blue Wrap - Outpatient Surgery Magaz

Behind closed doors: Does this stuff ever happen to you? Or am I the only lucky one to experience these OR oddities?

Getting certified for total joint surgery. Hear from the very first facilities to achieve advanced certification for total hip and total knee replacement.

5 steps to PONV prevention. Post-operative nausea and vomiting is one of surgery's most unwanted side effects. Here's how to keep patients' stomachs settled.

Monitor core temperatures to avoid malignant hyperthermia with this Idea That Works from Bridgeport, Conn.

Use self-adherent elastic wrap for this useful Idea That Works from Waltham, Mass.

Are surgeons fueling the opioid epidemic? If surgeons are "unwittingly enablers of addiction, abuse and overdosage," how should they manage post-op pain?

What's new in surgical lights? Shining a light on the innovations for illuminating the surgical field.

Business advisor: The art of the flip. Ground rules govern when we let surgeons run 2 rooms.

U.S. lawmakers introduce ASC Quality and Access Act. The proposed legislation aims to improve access to cost-effective, quality care.

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