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Keep staff educated with this Idea That Works from New Jersey.
Keep the noise down in your facility with this Idea That Works from Atlanta, Ga.
Business advisor: Clearing 8 common EHR hurdles. Anxious over a transition to electronic records? Fear not.
Help surgeons get equipment upgrades with this Idea That Works from West Orange, N.J.
Is it time for an imaging upgrade? Amazing advances in surgical visualization deliver spectacular views, but which options are best for you?
10 questions to ask when choosing an anesthesia group. Make sure you get the service you deserve and demand from your providers.
Keep suture sizes straight with this Idea That Works from Balitmore, Md.
Coding & billing: 5 keys to self-pay collections. When the patient is the payer, payment is required at time of service.
Medical malpractice: 5 tips to avoid anesthesia lawsuits. Your best defense is to operate within the boundaries of good sense.
If you see something, say something. Every member of the surgical team has a responsibility to speak up when patients might be harmed.
Eliminate specimen errors with this Idea That Works from Phoneix, Ariz.
CDC issues first SSI-prevention update in 18 years. New recommendations address pre-op bathing, prepping, patient warming, antimicrobials and more.
Cyberattack targets patient information at Pa. endoscopy center. The incident reinforces the importance of protecting sensitive electronic records from online criminals.
Jury Says GE Used Unfair Practices to Control Anesthesia Repair Business. GE plans appeal, says it had no duty to train competitors or to sell parts directly to them.
Hospital, laundry service fighting allegations related to 7 patient deaths. Hospital investigators and CDC appear to be at odds over the most likely source of the infections.
What you need to know about 3 big acquisitions. BD, Cardinal and Surgical Information Systems broaden their product offerings.
Did compounded antibiotic-steroid formulation cause cataract patients' vision problems? So far, as many as 50 cataract patients have reported worsening visual acuity.
CRNA faces 10 years in prison for allegedly diverting fentanyl. He's accused of repeatedly signing out extra, claiming it was for patients.
Make no mistake: Prepping the skin takes time. How to convince your surgeons and staff that a proper skin prep can't be rushed.
Souped-up surface cleaning. Whole-room disinfection solutions and fine-tuned manual scrubbing will eradicate infection-causing microorganisms.