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Mold discovery puts surgeries on hold at Sonoma West Medical Center. "We currently have no way to sterilize equipment," the interim CEO said after health officials confirmed the presence of mold in a sterilization sink.

Transformative tech: Which new and emerging technologies for surgery will truly change the game?

Truth or consequences: Open disclosure vs. deny and defend. You can avoid litigation and reputation damage through transparency and open disclosure.

The future of reimbursement. Change is coming. Are you ready for the transition?

Learning to lead. For most people, the ability to inspire others is an acquired skill rather than an innate gift.

Red Rock rocks. Join us for the fabulous enrichment and camaraderie of ORX, combined with the excitement of Vegas.

Anesthesia service that delights surgeons and patients. A regional skill set, an aggressive approach and continuity are the keys to a good provider.

Are you fully supporting your infection preventionist? The incredibly challenging role is only going to get tougher. It's up to you to lend a helping hand.

Patients come second. Like any business, in surgery you can't take care of your customers if you don't take care of your employees.

Disruptive docs can be rehabilitated. Start by looking at your facility culture.

Schedule at a glance: 2017 OR Excellence Conference Schedule

Outpatient Spine is surgery's next big thing. Choosing the right patients and controlling costs are key.

Batteries not included. In life, you've got to bring your own juice and create your own joy.

Become a Dauntless Nurse. Build the confidence you need to stick up for yourself and your patients.

A manager for all seasons. Connect with staff members of all ages: Millennials, Gen X-ers and Boomers.

Nominate your facility for a 2017 OR Excellence Award. We'll host 7 winners at the conference and celebrate their achievements during a special ceremony.

Beyond the Basics in Outpatient Total Joints - ORX Session Previews -

Yes, you can do accurate case costing. Determine the true cost of care to boost your facility's profit potential.

Satisfaction guaranteed: Take a team-based approach to ratcheting up your patient-satisfaction scores.

You're going to love this meeting. ORX is an investment in yourself worth making.

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