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Is facility responsible for swallowed dental bridge during surgery? Hospital says standard of care wasn't breached.

Misleading latex labeling may contribute to allergic reactions. Protecting staff and patients from latex allergens may be more difficult than it sounds, say the authors of a new white paper.

New Orleans surgeon avoids video voyeurism charges. A jury ruled his cellphone images of naked patients in the OR weren't sexual in nature.

Welcome to surgery's inflection point. Today's technological advancements are transforming surgical care.

A smarter approach to post-op pain management. The newest infusion pumps offer high-tech solutions to surgery's age-old problem.

Ready for autonomous surgical robots? Q&A with Peter C. Kim, MD, surgical innovator and developer of robotic surgery's next big thing.

The promise of robotic joint replacements. Precise cuts and implant placement could transform partial knees and total hips.

Have you checked out EMRs lately? Today's systems are more useful — and more user-friendly — than ever.

The clear choice in surgical video. Standard high-def is becoming passé as progressive facilities outfit their ORs with the latest in 4K imaging.

Don't fear the robot. A once-skeptical surgeon is now a solid supporter of using robotic arms to perform complex abdominal procedures.

Study finds mobile app follow-ups as effective as in-person visits. Breast reconstruction patients loved the convenience of mobile app-based follow-up, and were no more prone to complications.

Compounding pharmacy owner Barry Cadden acquitted of murder. Jurors delivered a mixed a verdict today in the trial of the former president of the New England Compounding Center.

Another Patient Death Raises Question: Is Gluteal Fat Grafting Safe? Ranika Hall, a 25-year-old Missouri woman, died last week after undergoing the procedure -- also known as the Brazilian butt lift -- at a Florida surgery center.

Help reduce infusion errors with this Idea That Works from Plymouth Meeting, PA.

Make sure nothing's left behind in a patient. Define the roles and responsibilities each team member has in the counting process.

Clear up confusion over covered and non-covered services with this Idea That Works from Garden City, New York.

Optimize your MH response. Closing gaps in your malignant hyperthermia drills now could be a lifesaver later.

Ace your accreditation survey with this Idea That Works from Baltimore, MD.

Is that scope clean? No guarantees. Even rigorous by-the-book cleaning doesn't ensure that your flexible endoscopes will be free of bacteria and bioburden when you hang them to dry.

Anesthesia alert: One simple trick to preempt post-op pain. The magic of a 50 mg dissociative dose of ketamine just before incision.

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