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Stay on top of the great paper chase and conquer physician credentialing with these strategies.

Break up ice in bags occasionally to avoid frozen blocks when needed for MH emergencies. An Idea that Works from a medical center in California.

Remove the guesswork so you can defend your choice in surgical skin antisepsis. What is your standard of care in skin prepping?

Are some ASCs being unfairly excluded? Some claim they are getting the shaft from Oregon's new coordinated care organizations.

Ensure you make a wise purchase on your next ophthalmic microscope by asking these 5 questions.

Whistleblower suit alleges corporate partner rigged share prices to entice new and existing docs to bring cases. Was there dirty dealing? Read about it in our legal update.

Readers share their best tips to get your equipment working again quickly and reliably.

Ideas That Work: Grab-And-Go GI Carts - Outpatient Surgery Magazine -

Ideas That Work: Identify Patients Faster - Outpatient Surgery Magazin

Ideas That Work: Fast Food - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - September,

Ideas That Work: Compliance At A Glance - Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Ideas That Work: Medication Safety - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Jun

Ideas That Work: Quicker Hair Picker-Upper - Outpatient Surgery Magazi

Ideas That Work: Monitoring - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - July, 2012

Ideas That Work: Stain Removal - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - March,

Ideas That Work: Managing PONV - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - May, 20

Ideas That Work: Patient Education - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Jul

Ideas That Work: Hydrocodone's Move To Schedule II - Outpatient Surger

Ideas That Work: Pre-Op Checklist - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Febr

Ideas That Work: Birthday And Business - Outpatient Surgery Magazine -

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