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Airway disaster averted. How to avoid losing airways — and how to save the day when something goes wrong.

Robotic-assistance improves hysterectomy outcomes. Research shows the technology lowers readmission rates.

'PillCam' for colon earns FDA approval. It's designed for patients with incomplete colonoscopies.

Study explores Exparel's use in managing abdominal surgery pain. IV analgesic reduces post-bariatric opioids.

Nervous facilities are trying to stretch supplies. Saline shortage is growing more acute.

High-risk patients don't always get endoscopic examination for Barrett's esophagus, cancer, say researchers. There are missed opportunities in GERD complication screenings.

Yes, high-volume hip and knee hospitals also have highest readmissions. But do the numbers really tell the whole story?

An evidence-based comparison provides answers to your stocking questions. Why scrub when you can rub?

How we secured frontline buy-in and ensure continued compliance. Read our 3 sure-fire steps to standardized preps.

What does the latest literature recommend on skin antisepsis and hair removal? Read the science of skin prepping.

Test your knowledge and review the evidence on this antiseptic patient preparation. What do you know about pre-op CHG showers?

How to get your surgeons to comply with the revised guidelines. The CDC is expected to advocate alcohol-based skin preps.

10-year safety review in Minnesota shows adverse events are on the decline. Error reporting works.

Patient "inexplicably left alone" and unmonitored before surgery. A fatal cataract sedation results in a $2.1M settlement.

Commission recommends 3.25-5.25% increase for HOPDs. MedPAC: Freeze Payments for ASCs in 2015

In Tennessee alone, claims now total nearly $1.5B. Company blamed for meningitis outbreak is hit with a $1.17B suit.

ASCA urges facilities to contact lawmakers, support co-pay fix.

Doing so is within CMS guidelines, officials say. A Maryland ASC is gearing up for overnight stays.

Website takes aim at curbing musculoskeletal injuries from patient handling and moving. OSHA launches new website to protect hospital workers.

SIS expands focus beyond traditional hospitals and health systems with addition of ambulatory surgery IT leader Amkai. Surgical Information Systems acquires AmkaiSolutions.

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