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Here's how to stay ahead in the battle against bioburden. 10 effective strategies for staying ahead with your surface disinfection.

You need to manage post-op pain, not eliminate it completely. Stop overusing opioids.

Follow these 7 commonsense tips to eliminate surgical mistakes.

A bright yellow sticker lets the OR nurse know to administer antibiotics as soon as the patient is taken to the OR. An Idea that works from Fort Myers, Fla.

Many patients want improved refractive outcomes and are willing to pay for it. Will it work for your facility? Review the economics of laser cataract surgery.

Outpatient Surgery product news.

Are Your Endoscopes Clean Enough? A manager's guide to successful reprocessing.

Always say "Yes!" to more cases. 4 simple strategies to constantly grow your caseload.

Wouldn't it be nice to visualize the vessels beneath the skin? Thinking of buying vein-finding technology?

There are 50 or so steps involved in cleaning an instrument tray. We set out on a quest to eliminate as many those steps as possible. From the OR to central sterile and back again.

Doc with positive drug test gets green light to return. Agreement with state's Department of Health includes ongoing monitoring.

Place labels on the front of patients charts to indicate the removal time. An Idea that Works from Dallas Texas.

British surgeon suspended for branding initials on patient's liver.

Nevada shooter suffered a botched surgery. 2010 vasectomy left him battling severe post-op pain, police say.

Precise control of the light's brightness and beam - when and where they need it. Is this what your surgeons want in headlights?

The Case for Image-Guided ENT - Surgical Visualization - January, 2014

Imaging advances and improved access ease surgeons' burdens. Laparoscopic visualization makes a leap forward.

Imagine seeing images at 4 times the resolution of today's high-definition video displays. Ultra high definition is coming to the OR.

Don't let smoke, fog or debris impede laparoscopic procedures. Check out these 3 simple ways to clear the view.

Better exposure translates to faster and safer surgery. Give surgeons the access they need.

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