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Exhibit Hall - ORX Proceedings - December, 2013
See what makes OR Excellence surgery's can't-miss conference.
How would you have fared in the OR Excellence Tournament of Champions?
OR Excellence heads to the Big Easy! Join us next year for jazz, jambalaya and jaunts down Bourbon Street.
Never stop striving to improve patient throughput and room turnovers. Are your Ors truly efficient?
Price transparency's biggest proponent, Keith Smith, MD, shared his radical plan to revolutionize the healthcare system.
You can make 'never events' a reality with renewed focus and attention are what's needed.
Surgery's best were honored during a celebratory luncheon for OR Excellence Award winners.
In court, the medical record is the care rendered. How to survive a medical malpractice suit.
Should you add robotics, femtosecond laser cataract surgery and spine? Adding new technology and procedures, what you should look for.
Enforce screening guidelines to keep the surgical schedule on track. Start every case on time.
Psychiatrist Kent Neff, MD, explains how to face off with a good surgeon gone bad. Learn how to defuse disruptive doctors.
Generating momentum is key to achieving life's goals.
Pay attention to OR Ergonomics. Laparoscopic surgery can be a nightmare for surgeons.
It's time to start collecting patients' pre-op information online. Use technology to rev up pre-admissions.
Moving cases along is the biggest key to growing the bottom line. Make your ortho center sing with efficiency.
Knowing when to operate is knowing when not to operate. Are you pushing the patient safetyenvelope?
You're likely in harm's way if you're billing and collecting for your anesthesia providers. Can facilities really profit from anesthesia services?
Take-home lessons came fast and furious during the ORX Power Hour.
Reps from leading companies visited with high-volume administrators during our reverse trade show.