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Innovations in cutting and sealing technologies are reshaping the field.
Here are 5 benefits of articulating laparoscopes. Flexibility is just one of several advantages.
Better mesh placement and preventative pain control contribute to faster discharges and happier patients. Manage post-op hernia pain.
How important is the table, really? How Important Is the Table, Really?
Clearer images might make surgery better and safer. Will 3D follow HD as the standard of care?
Asking all team members to speak makes a huge difference. It is the secret to time out success.
Research suggests spinal and epidural anesthesia, peripheral nerve blocks safe to use in knee replacement surgery. Study: Regional anesthesia does not increase the chance of falling.
More than half of patients with SSIs return to hospital within 30 days. A study finds SSIs the best predictor of surgical readmissions.
Recalled tracheal tube could be deadly. Teleflex says product can kink during use.
Check out the OR Excellence program. Downloadable program details 4 days' worth of great speakers and fun, interactive sessions.
Specialized surgical instruments had been previously used on a patient confirmed with Creuzfeldt-Jakob Disease. N.C. neuro patients face a fatal disease risk.
Reward your busiest surgeons with 2 teams. An Idea That Works from Hutchinson Ambulatory Surgery Center in Kansas.
Can we get to zero? Yes, experts say it can be done. Prevent wrong-site surgeries.
Safety-engineered sharps and trays provide passing protection. Equip your ORs for sharps safety.
Overcome the obstacles in online pre-admissions. Early adopters share what they've learned.
Make the removal of tegaderm painless. Stretch it, don't peel it. An Idea That Works from Maryville Surgical Center in Tennessee.
Recent innovations are bringing everything into sharper focus. See It Now: Advances in GI Visualization.
Convert your stretcher table to a hand table with this Idea That Works from Seven Hills Surgery Center in Henderson, Nevada.
Avoid inaccurat CO2 capnogrphy readings with this Idea That Works from the Delmont Surgery Center in Greensburg, Pa.
It's funny how nursing's routines infiltrate our lives. Return of "You Might Be an OR Nurse If ..."