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Medical Malpractice: Don't give in to the gadget. Distracted doctoring is the new legal minefield.

Can you pass this prepping quiz? Want to start a great debate? Ask your surgeons and nurses to defend their skin prepping preferences and beliefs.

Are morcellators safe for hysterectomies? They speed the procedure, but do they spread cancer, too? See what this gynecologic surgeon has to say.

How comfortable are your ORs? Take this hospital's lead and focus on features that ease the daily grind.

Behind Closed Doors: What's in Paula's pockets? Why hoarders make efficient nurses.

Ideas That Work: Division of labor. Mailboxes make tasks fairer and easier. Use mailboxes to make tasks fairer and easier with this Idea That Works from Corinth, Mississippi.

About my error. The orthopedic surgeon talks about his wrong procedure in order to share the lessons learned.

Ideas That Work: Potty training. Postcard for post-op constipation. Cut down on post-op constipation complaints with this Idea That Works from Salisbury, Maryland.

Anesthesiologist Suspended for Sexually Charged Texts, Illicit Behavio

Don't use saline bags to position patients. Improvised shoulder roll a patient safety danger.

The secret to fewer post-operative deep-vein blood clots. Prevention program leads to an 84% drop in the rate of DVT.

Marriage and Medicine: A match made in... Can you excel in your career and have happily-ever-after, too?

Snapshots of the speakers and sessions on tap for OR Excellence 2014. Here's what we have in store for you at our fabulous, fun-filled fall conference.

About my error. An orthopod talks candidly about wrong-site surgery

You can't make this stuff up. Two seasoned pros share the lessons learned from surgery's head-scratchers.

Competency is your center's currency. Your staff is qualified, but is it excelling?

No texting during time outs! Eliminate electronic distractions from the surgical environment.

He did what? Unusual problems, creative solutions. Handling the taboo, the strange and the dreadful.

Growing a culture of safety. Take-home tools to manage disruptive behaviors.

Let technology make pre-admissions a breeze. Untapped opportunities hold huge potential benefits.

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