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Assessing your airway visualization options. 3 factors that matter most to the anesthesia providers who depend on the technology.

The real consequences of medication errors. Focus on proper labeling, smart storage and constant communication to protect patients from harm.

Make pain pumps hassle free. At-home pain relief without the headaches.

Ask the Etiquette Doctor: The importance of a good, strong handshake. Not too firm, not too limp — what does yours say about you?

Surgery centers key to health care's future. Study sees more efficient, less costly ASCS playing a crucial role in meeting increased demand.

Epidural steroid injections under scrutiny. FDA warns against rare but serious pain management complications.

Hypothermia's direct link to SSIs. Active warming is proven to cut down on surgical site infections.

The details of decontamination. The safety of your surgical instruments depends on these 5 factors.

Does your high-level disinfection hack it? Research highlights the importance of renewed focus on proper endoscope reprocessing.

The evolution of barrier protection. A review of the many ways that gloves, gowns, masks and drapes prevent infections.

Are your surfaces as clean as you think they are? Tips for improving the cleanliness of the surgical environment.

There is a time and a place for immediate-use sterilization. Answers to 5 common questions about acceptable practices.

The highlights of low-temperature sterilization. These reprocessing alternatives keep sensitive instruments out of the autoclave.

Your options in whole room disinfection. Several systems take the human element out of cleaning OR surfaces.

Get a preview of AORN's new skin prepping guidelines. Let a growing body of evidence govern your bedside practice.

Patient says he was defamed during colonoscopy. His phone reportedly recorded docs' abusive banter.

1 in 10 healthcare workers abuse drugs. Undetected or untreated, impaired providers put patients at risk.

Was TV news report about surgeon libelous? Neurosurgeon says 'misleading' story drove patients away.

Doc accused of slapping sedated patients so hard he'd sometimes leave red marks. Doc claims he was testing adequacy of anesthetic; hospital faces sanctions for allegedly ignoring complaints.

Another reason why you should ban smart phones from the OR. Patient dies during case in which the anesthesiologist admitted texting and e-mailing.

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