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Eliminate the errors you can, manage the ones you can't. History is a great guide for risk management.
Revitalizing your relationships with anesthesia providers. They should be an integral part of your team.
Shouldn't you be doing outpatient total joints? Our special pre-conference session will show you that same-day total joint surgery is now within your reach.
OR Excellence heads to the Big Easy! Join us in October for jazz, jambalaya and jaunts down Bourbon Street.
Getting patients to pay up on the day of surgery. Learn the keys to collecting out-of-pocket expenses.
2014 OR Excellence schedule at a glance.
Winning the War Against SSIs - ORX Session Previews - June, 2014
Happy hour in the ORX exhibit hall. Enjoy free wine tasting and Martini Madness.
Enhance the quality of your quality improvement studies. Learn how to select the right topics and perform a sound study.
When we laugh, we let out little puffs of pain. Don't miss the hilarious and heartwarming humor of Bobbie Staten, RN, CSP.
Does your website need a makeover? Online impressions can benefit your bottom line.
How heavy is too heavy? Don't push the safety envelope when caring for obese patients.
Meet your new best friend at ORX. Networking opportunities abound at surgery's friendliest, warmest conference.
Who's the best at best practices? ORX's Tournament of Champions will crown the victors.
Shedding light on surgery. Dr. Makary explores how transparency would improve patient care.
Calif. voters to decide whether docs should be drug-tested. Initiative will appear on this November's ballot.
Business Advisor: Getting patients to pay up. 6 keys to collecting out-of-pocket expenses on the day of surgery.
Use this set of questions to identify issues and make quick fixes with this Idea That Works from Lynchburg, Virginia.
Cutting Remarks: Tales from the crypt. Patients do and say the darndest things.
Watch your step. Protect your surgeons and staff from slips, trips and falls in the OR.