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See cool new toys for your orthopods. After seeing dozens of innovative tools and instruments on the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons' exhibit hall floor, these are the ones that really stood out.

Let staffers quickly and easily grab needed crash cart supplies with this Idea That Works from Bloomington, Indiana.

Editor's Page: The Dirty Secret to Recycling in the OR - Outpatient Su

The evolving business of cataract outsourcing. Companies are doing much more than renting out phacos and techs to run them.

Staffing: How to run a thorough background check. Get to know potential new hires with a careful employee screening.

Keep track of physicians' preferences with this Idea That Works from Springfield, MO.

Anesthesia Alert: Pectoral nerves blocks for breast surgery. These ultrasound-guided blocks are reliable and easy to master.

Cutting Remarks: Before you complain, count your blessings. Fresh off a service trip to Nicaragua, my ORs have never looked better.

In Uganda, a vivid illustration of how the basics dramatically reduce SSIs. World Health Organization program helps hospital cut its rate in half.

7 creative ways to cut your case costs. Smart, simple ideas that save my facility between $50,000 and $100,000 a year.

Behind Closed Doors: You wnow what they say ... Insights on surgery from outside the OR.

Take our medication management quiz. 22 questions on pharmacology principles and safe medication practices.

Seeing surgery in a different light. How image enhancement technology improves patient outcomes.

Make smoke evacuation second nature with this Idea That Works from Westerville, Ohio.

Create an instant sound system in the OR with this Idea That Works from Little Rock, Arkansas.

Thinking of Buying ... A Spine Surgery Table - Outpatient Surgery Maga

Let staff jot down the little oversights with this Idea That Works from Spokane, Washington.

Coding & Billing: ICD-10-CM external cause codes say it all. These add-on codes add more detail to your claims.

Nation's first dual-licensed surgery center opens in Colorado. Inside the little-known CMS ruling that lets ASCs operate as timeshare properties.

Did hospital lack fire safety plan? OR fire reveals N.Y.C. hospital's safety deficit. Lack of prevention plan was "immediate jeopardy situation."

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