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AmSurg, Envision Healthcare merge to form physician staffing giant. What will become of AmSurg's 250 ambulatory surgery centers?

Obesity device drains a portion of stomach contents after meals into the toilet. The AspireAssist obesity device consists of a tube that connects the inside of the stomach to a port outside of the abdomen.

Hospitals will likely soon be required to have antibiotic-stewardship programs. Antibiotic-resistant organisms are a growing threat, says CMS.

U. of Louisville Hospital Now Unsafe, Vice Chair of Surgery Insists -

Patient claims surgeon left pedicle screw in her after spinal fusion surgery. Suit: pedicle screw left in patient's body for 2 days after surgery. The patient claims that retained device left her with femoral nerve damage and the need to use a wheelchair.

Colorado tech accused of stealing syringes is HIV positive. Thousands of patients undergo testing for possible exposure.

Reduce turnover time with this Idea That Works from Houston, Texas.

Editor's page: changing of the guard. When it's time to retire, will you train your replacement the right way?

How safe are your patients? Our survey shows you have a long way to go to provide the level of quality and safety that your patients deserve.

Innovative Ideas: Make patients' escorts feel at home.

The future of cataract surgery. These advances will innovate your ophthalmic ORs.

Infection Prevention: Can anesthesia providers spread infection? Absolutely yes -- pay attention to what goes on at the head of the table.

Where to focus your infection prevention efforts. Make these key areas of focus a priority.

What's new for minimally invasive surgery? Advanced imaging, robotic assistance and other looks into laparoscopy's future at the SAGES exhibit hall.

Thinking of buying ... rigid sterilization containers? An open-and-shut case for bypassing blue wrap

4 hot trends in sinus surgery. Top docs reveal how and where procedures will be performed in the not-too-distant future.

Cutting Remarks: Maimonides, the great healer. Reflecting on the life of a man devoted to his patients' well-being.

Product News

Your primer on total knee systems. Choose the right implant, cutting guides and instruments to streamline your outpatient joint program.

See how we got rid of latex gloves once and for all. We made the switch years ago, and have never looked back.

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