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Physician charged with multiple felonies in providing drugs to woman he met on Sean Fogler, MD, allegedly provided heroin, fentanyl, propofol, Percocet and other drugs to a woman he met through an online dating website.

Surgery's hottest trend: same-day joint replacement. The Andrews Institute ASC has realized the many benefits of adding outpatient total joints.

Teaming up over total joints. A hospital and an ASC discover collaboration beats competition.

Time for new power tools? Look for these essential features when you upgrade.

The past and future of outpatient joints. Q&A with Richard Berger, MD, hip and knee replacement pioneer.

Up and running with uni knees. Adding partial replacements is a great way to launch an outpatient joint program.

Fed up with fluid waste? Capture arthroscopy's runoff before it makes a mess of your ORs.

Near-perfect pain control. Inside a surgical hospital's multimodal regimen.

Is robotic-assisted joint replacement for you? The technology produces better outcomes and could send patients flocking to your center.

Is an orthopedic urgent care center for you? Because accidents don't keep regular business hours, neither should you.

Orthopedic positioning pointers in photos. When procedures call for you to suspend limbs, articulate joints and hyperextend necks, injuries are just waiting to happen.

Pick a picture-perfect arthroscopy video platform. Focus on the features your orthopods want in a new imaging system.

Shopping for safer tourniquets. These features help prevent pressure-related injuries and other potentially serious complications.

Study: minimizing door openings during surgery lowers surgical site infection rate. One hospital reduced its infection rate by decreasing foot traffic in and out of the ORs.

Hackers install ransomware on ASC computer network. Pa. surgery center, fearing massive data breach, offers 13,000 patients a year of free credit monitoring.

Feds finally freeing funds for meningitis outbreak victims. The Department of Justice will distribute $40 million — those who suffered "catastrophic injuries" are eligible to receive a maximum of $50,000.

Special Report From DDW: 7 cool new gadgets your GI docs will love. A gastroenterologist tours Digestive Disease Week's exhibit hall.

Don't let unlocked carts lead to undetected abuse. Try this Idea That Works from Newington, Conn.

How we've (nearly) eliminated flashing. The New York Eye & Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai went from flashing nearly half of its instruments to hardly any.

What's new in ophthalmology? 9 new products your cataract surgeons would love to get their hands on.

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