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A cataract surgeon can't be blamed for failure of anesthesia providers, jury finds. Suit was brought by patient who moved twice during cataract surgery, causing complications.

California out-of-network ASCs granted $9.5 million settlement in United Healthcare underpayment case.

Joan Rivers's family settles malpractice suit. Joan Rivers's docs accept blame, agree to pay "substantial" amount. Anesthesiologist's notes detailed the chaotic series of events that preceded Ms. Rivers's death.

IMQ to survey Medicare- and Medicaid-deemed surgical centers. The Institute for Medical Quality can now survey ASCs treating Medicare patients to ensure CMS regulatory compliance.

Video surveillance captures anesthesiologist removing drug vials, but also exposes many female patients. Doc says other videos would clear him; hospital says it can't compromise "vulnerable, exposed" patients

iOS app coming soon for cataract surgeons. Bausch + Lomb, IBM putting data at docs' fingertips.

FDA: Custom Ultrasonics' AER OK to use for some endoscopes, but not duodenoscopes. The agency cancels its recall on the washers linked to the superbug outbreak, saying they can remain in the field for limited use.

Organize your policies like your accreditor does with this Idea That Works from Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Fixing our broken pre-admission process. We met our goal of 100% chart readiness by 6 p.m. on the night before surgery.

In search of the perfect hernia repair. The latest mesh options and fixation techniques are making surgery safer and more efficient.

CMS issues quality reporting data. Codes measure medical errors, patient care and clinical practices.

Legal Update: Mini surgical construction boom ahead? Physician-owned hospitals might soon be able to add more beds.

Clear out clutter with this Idea That Works from Atlanta, Georgia.

Product News.

Helping patients finance their surgery. Don't get stuck holding the bag when patients need surgery but can't afford their deductibles.

Innovative Ideas That Work - The Right Thing in the Right Place.

Keep scrub solution from leaking onto the floor with this Idea That Works from San Diego, California.

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Medical Malpractice: In an adverse event, honesty is the best policy. Open communication is the key to avoiding liability claims.

Handling tough anesthesia cases. Obesity, sleep apnea and PONV are the enemies. Are your anesthetists ready to take them on?

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