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Anesthesia Complication Lawsuit Settled for $851k - This Just In - Mar

When Patients Die, Anesthesiologists Hurt - This Just In - March, 2012

Is Drug Security Anesthesia's Responsibility? - This Just In - March,

Secrets to Ultrasound-Guided Block Success - This Just In - March, 201

Should Anesthesiology Group Have Reached Dying Patient Sooner? - This

Surgical Site Infections Most Common Among Pennsylvania Patients - Thi

Whistleblowing Surgeon Awarded $900,000 - This Just In - February, 201

Lawsuit Alleging Doctor Withheld Pathology Findings Allowed to Proceed

Why You Should Cherish Your Older OR Nurses - This Just In - February,

News Report Investigates Instrument Reprocessing - This Just In - Febr

Texas Court Upholds Medical Child Abuse Verdict - This Just In - Febru

Settlements Reached in Hepatitis Outbreak Case - This Just In - Februa

OR Staff Walk Laps During Lunch Break in Honor of Fallen Friend - This

How to Get Dropped From Medicare - This Just In - February, 2012

Special Report: Was CRNA Falsely Accused of Drugging and Sexually Assa

CMS Expected to Push Back October 2013 ICD-10 Deadline - This Just In

Spine Surgeon Sues Spine Surgeon Who Inserted Experimental Artificial

Does Fear of Lawsuits Influence Orthopedic Surgeons' Delivery of Care?

Was Sacked Surgeon Safety Conscious or Money Hungry? - This Just In -

Facelift Patient Devoted Herself to Ruining Surgeon's Reputation - Thi

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