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Anesthesiologist Goes Berserk During DUI Arrest - This Just In - May,
Smoking Increases Patients' Hospital Expenses - This Just In - May, 20
Brushing up on Surgical Gloves - Infection Control - May, 2012
How Well Do You Know Your Low-Temperature Sterilization Options? - Inf
Prep the Site Right - Infection Control - May, 2012
Stay on Top of High-Level Disinfection - Infection Control - May, 2012
How Do You Dispose of Fluid Waste? - Infection Control - May, 2012
Why Does Patient Warming Matter? - Infection Control - May, 2012
The Down and Dirty on Decontamination - Infection Control - May, 2012
Know Your Wipes, Mops & Sprays - Infection Control - May, 2012
Did Post-Op Pressure Ulcers Kill Patient? - This Just In - May, 2012
Elderly Woman Severely Injured in Fall Off OR Table - This Just In - M
Patient Dies After Admission for Gallbladder Surgery That Wasn't Perfo
ASC Administrator Stabbed to Death by Estranged Husband - This Just In
Orthopod Owes $150,000 for Post-Op Knee Infection - This Just In - May
Ophthalmologist Sues His Own ASC for Blocking Plans to Open Competing
So-What Study Finds That ASC Owners Perform More Surgery - This Just I
Can Robots Clean Your ORs? - This Just In - May, 2012
CMS Updates Emergency Equipment Requirement - This Just In - May, 2012
N.J. Anesthesiologist Accused of Performing Spine Surgery - This Just