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Coding & Billing - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - May, 2012
Cutting Remarks - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - May, 2012
Buy an Anesthesia Machine Your Providers Will Love - Outpatient Surger
Thinking of Buying...Surgical Headlights - Outpatient Surgery Magazine
Anesthesia Alert - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - May, 2012
Liposuction Device Lawsuit Going Forward - This Just In - April, 2012
Arthrex Wants to Build a Surgery Center - This Just In - April, 2012
Orthopedic Group Absolved for Retained Pain Pump Fragment - This Just
AAAHC Announces New Accreditation Program for Hospitals - This Just In
Court: Misplaced IV Line Did Not Cause Post-Op Complications - This Ju
Hospital Cleared in Credentialing Dispute - This Just In - April, 2012
Administrator Allegedly Embezzled $181,000 From ASC She Helped Start -
7 Anesthesiologists Report Patient Deaths from Drug Shortage - This Ju
Surgeon Sues Anesthesiologist Who Blew Whistle on Him for Defamation -
Post-Op Nurse Cleared in Fall Lawsuit - This Just In - April, 2012
GI Doc Claims Male Colleague Sexually Harassed Her - This Just In - Ap
Hospital Cleared for Firing Impaired PACU Nurse - This Just In - April
Robot Maker Sued Over Hysterectomy Patient's Death - This Just In - Ap
Endoscope Reprocessing Done Right - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Apri
Behind Closed Doors - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - April, 2012