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Amazed & Amused - Can Humor Improve Post-Op Compliance? - Outpatient S
Stretcher Tables To the Rescue - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - August,
Don't Disregard Decontamination - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - August
Editor's Page - The Link Between Nurse Burnout and SSIs - Outpatient S
Secrets of High-Volume Retina Centers - Outpatient Surgery Magazine -
Taking Room Disinfection To a New Level - Outpatient Surgery Magazine
Cutting Remarks - The Day I Accidentally Released My OR Time - Outpati
Legal Update - Defuse Disruptive Docs - Outpatient Surgery Magazine -
Drug Safety - Is That Exparel or Propofol? - Outpatient Surgery Magazi
Medical Malpractice - New Malpractice Twist: Civil Rights Claims - Out
Letters &???E-Mails - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - August, 2012
Behind Closed Doors-Do You D??j?? Vu? - Outpatient Surgery Magazine -
10 Things You Can Expect From Your Accreditation Surveyor - Outpatient
Going GPO Shopping? - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - August, 2012
Surgical Robot Lawsuits Won't Be Consolidated - This Just In - August,
Teamwork Reduces SSI Risks - This Just In - August, 2012
What Orthopods Want In Their Power Tools - Orthopedic Surgery - August
Selecting HD Imaging Equipment - Orthopedic Surgery - August, 2012
5 Benefits of Direct-to-Drain Fluid Management - Orthopedic Surgery -
Understanding Ultrasound - Orthopedic Surgery - August, 2012