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Maine Medicaid Provider No Longer Paying for Procedures in ASCs - This
Editor's Page - Addicted to Stress? - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Oc
Secrets to Our No-Flash Policy - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - October
The Benefits of Online Registration - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Oc
Inside Our Multimodal PONV Protocol - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Oc
Behind Closed Doors - My Back-to-Work Shopping List - Outpatient Surge
8 Great Tools To Enhance Cataract Surgery - Outpatient Surgery Magazin
Coding & Billing - Beware the Auditors' Dirty Tricks - Outpatient Surg
Staffing - Hire From Outside or Promote From Within? - Outpatient Surg
Who Doesn't Like LEDs? - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - October, 2012
Business Advisor - A Few Things We Can Control - Outpatient Surgery Ma
Infection Prevention - Take Our Surface Disinfection Quiz - Outpatient
Thinking of Buying - Anesthesia Machines - Outpatient Surgery Magazine
Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injections Turn Deadly - This Just In - Octobe
Cutting Remarks - What's on Your Playlist? - Outpatient Surgery Magazi
Smart Ways To Save on Anesthesia - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Octob
Medical Malpractice - Malpractice Trends in the Ambulatory Arena - Out
Legal Update - Hard Truth About the False Claims Act - Outpatient Surg
Your Guide to Multimodal Anesthesia - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Oc
Adding Pain Management Painlessly - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Octo