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Bacteria, Bugs and a Bird: FDA Reports Findings at Ameridose - This Ju
Outpatient Surgery Magazine Launches Annual Stocking Stuffer Contest -
Another Compounding Pharmacy in Trouble - This Just In - November, 201
Hospital Not Liable for Post-op Recovery Chair Mishap - This Just In -
Mass. Pharmacy Director Fired for Ignoring Complaint About Compounding
Unneeded Mastectomy Lawsuit Brings Patient Nearly $1 Million - This Ju
Magnet Hospitals Have Fewer Patient Deaths After Surgery - This Just I
How Would You Warm This Patient? - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Novem
Tips for Integrating New Flash Containers - Outpatient Surgery Magazin
Getting the Big Picture on HD - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - November
A Nerve Block For Every Patient? - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Novem
Behind Closed Doors - Petty Grievances - Outpatient Surgery Magazine -
Editor's Page - The Trouble With How You're Paid for Surgery - Outpati
Low-Temperature Sterilization: Are You In the Know? - Outpatient Surge
Special Report:???Tainted Steroids - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Nov
The Trials and Tribulations of Going Paperless - Outpatient Surgery Ma
Business Advisor - A Tale of 2 ASCs Merging - Outpatient Surgery Magaz
Laser Cataracts - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - November, 2012
Infection Prevention - Test Your Instrument Reprocessing Acumen - Outp
Cutting Remarks - Sales Pitches or Curveballs? - Outpatient Surgery Ma