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Retired Wide Receiver Catching On in the OR; Q&A with Nate Hughes, MD, former NFLer and future anesthesiologist.

Don't Put Off Patient Warming; Efforts to prevent hypothermia work best when they begin in pre-op.

Should You Go IV-Free? Oral sedation promises to improve efficiencies and increase patient satisfaction in busy eye centers.

At the end of pre-op clinic appointments, I hand patients a business card that includes my personal email address and request that a family member send me a message...

You've come to the right place if your surgeons and OR staff aren't happy with the gloves they're using, or if you're just looking for a better glove or a better deal. Not only...

How difficult is it to prep the skin for surgery? You pick an antiseptic agent and paint it on in concentric circles, beginning at the incision site and working outward,...

Dedicated regional block nurses are invaluable when it comes to preparing patients for blocks, administering catheters and staying on schedule. But leadership doesn't always...

Adding new and innovative procedures is a proven way to increase your revenue, attract new patients and surgeons, and set yourself apart from the competition....

You can manually clean an endoscope until it shines and examine every millimeter of its insertion tube for pinhole leaks, but none of that matters if fluid remains in the scope's...

Ambulatory surgery center payment rates as a percentage of the hospital outpatient department rates have steadily declined over the years. In 2003, procedures...

We're all probably a little numb to medication safety. We get it. It's super important. We live the life. It's easy to become complacent until we have a problem....

Jennifer Pennock is AORN's senior manager of government affairs, though lately a better title for her might be senior manager of smoke evacuation legislation efforts....

Today's modern surgeons are directors and executive producers of the motion picture institutes that are today's sleek ORs, routing video from and to any flat-panel,...

We're a couple months into our unlikely — and unprecedented — partnership in which 3 rival hospitals within a 50-mile radius own and use the same ambulatory surgery...

Surgical facilities track a lot of data — quality measures, patient census, service line revenue and so on. But here’s something that no one regularly tracks: lifetime...

Our OR nurses suggested that when we were doing the count, that would be a perfect time to have a conversation about specimens before they go out to pathology....

If you use IV start kits, you might be wasting money with every catheter you place. Our IV start kits contained a number of items we never used, including povidone-iodine...

It's easy to blame this case of wrong-person surgery on the pathologist who admittedly mixed up biopsy slides, but we're still left to wonder what if anything the OR team...

Want to keep things running smoothly all day? Then get off to a fast start with your first-time starts. Here's how we did it:...

Whether you're a new OR leader still settling into your role or you've been herding surgeons for years and have the battle scars to prove it, one thing is certain:...

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