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Children at Roxana Cannon Arsht Surgicenter in Wilmington, Del., were so stressed saying goodbye to their parents before heading to the operating room for dental...

It’s one thing to log and track laboratory specimens and post their results in the patient’s chart. But that doesn’t confirm that the ordering healthcare provider read...

My orthopedic patients are often groggy from the effects of anesthesia when I meet with them minutes after surgery to let them know how the procedure went and what...

Certain procedures cause anxiety for patients. That’s especially true at my facility, where we’re treating children. When we received a $13,000 grant for 3 virtual reality...

Should You Be in the Business of Fixing Fractures? Outpatient trauma care is a cost-effective and patient-satisfying option for repairing minor breaks.

Positioning Pointers From the Pros; Orthopedic surgeons offer their top tips for optimizing access during hip, knee and shoulder procedures.

How We Achieve Zero Joint Infections; Our hip and knee replacement patients head home with healthy, healing scars.

On Point: Surgery's Trendsetting Specialty; Orthopedics continues to drive innovation in outpatient care.

There's a Smarter Way To Handle Fluid Waste; Closed systems take the risk, expense and frustration out of keeping OR floors dry.

Anesthesia's Role in Total Joints Advancement; Optimized pre-procedure care, efficiency-minded sedation and masterful pain management prepare patients for speedy recoveries.

Fixing Stray Pets to Help Them Find Loving Homes; Q&A with John Keating, MD, SFOA, a "human" orthopedist with a heart for helping animals.

What's New in Arthroscopic Visualization, Give your surgeons a crystal clear view of what's happening, when it's happening.

Get On Board With Bundled Payments; You can deliver quality outcomes at lower costs - and profit, too -??by managing every aspect of an episode of care.

Set Up for Success in Total Knees; Staff and surgeons at the St. Cloud (Minn.) Surgical Center tap into technology and teamwork to achieve excellent outcomes.

On Point: Anesthesia Advance's Pace Outpatient Care; Skilled providers are helping you add increasingly complex procedures.

4 Secrets of Our Nerve Block Success; Tapping into regional anesthesia's potential sends patients home sooner, in less pain and more satisfied with their care.

True-Life Tales of Trying Airways; Anesthesia experts share their most memorable difficult intubations - and what they learned from their experiences.

How to Stock Your MH Carts; Your staff needs easy access to rescue medications and essential supplies when the patient's life hangs in the balance.

What's Your Medication Safety IQ? Take this short quiz to test your knowledge of drug security, storage and administration.

Primed for Recovery; Optimizing patients' nutrition before surgery prepares their bodies for the physical rigors of surgery.

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