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Editor's Page; Those Dreaded Performance Reviews
Sharpen Your Knowledge of Sharps Safety; 6 surprising facts about sharps injury prevention
Business Advisor: Unlock Hidden Savings in Central Sterile; 3 ways your techs can lower your instrument reprocessing costs
Near the end of the day, 6 recovery room nurses were standing around the PACU desk chatting it up. Not one of them was doing chart reviews or making follow-up calls...
My mission from hospital leadership: Reduce sharps injuries in our 2 regional hospitals by 5% in a year. We far exceeded our goals, managing a 60% reduction from...
No food or drink past midnight is slowly giving way to carbo-loading up to 2 hours before surgery. Fasting past midnight has been an unwritten Ordinance of the OR...
On the 1st day of Christmas my OR gave to me … PTSD from the Devil incarnate of a scrub tech I had to work with every day. I would call her a witch or a female dog...
A large hospital had so many case carts full of trays backed up during the day they struggled to turn around instrument sets in less than 24 hours. Within 6 months,...
In the absence of antibiotic alternatives, physicians in the early 1900s had no choice but to treat every infection with penicillin. Chronic pain went through a similar...
Patients’ friends or family members are often invited to bedsides in pre-op and the PACU, but don’t always have a place to sit as they offer support to their loved ones....
The annual American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Anesthesiology conference is the world's largest anesthesia meeting. On a clinical level, I'm here to see the latest...
You never know where you'll learn lessons about caring for patients, so I'm always on the lookout for excellence in service that I can translate to patient care....
Got both my knees replaced in late August — and both at the same time. Yes, I only had one surgery, one hospital stay and one course of rehabilitation, but the pain...
The long, narrow lumens of flexible endoscopes can make reprocessing the delicate instruments feel like an exercise in futility. But despite the inherent challenges...
It should come as no surprise that most outpatient facilities warm their surgical patients. After all, there's an ever-growing mountain of evidence that says warming...
It’s not uncommon for staff members in one department to believe they do more or matter more than their colleagues who work in other areas of the facility....
Every patient who walks into your facility expects to undergo successful surgery and receive compassionate care. In today’s competitive, consumer-driven healthcare...
Sometimes you need to go old-school to get a key point across to your staff. We recently updated our periarticular injection cocktail as part of a multimodal pain...
Skin prepping is serious business at our facility. So serious, in fact, that the staff who prep patients before surgery wear different colored gowns than the rest of the OR...
You’ve no doubt heard the trumpet calls of alarm about the dangers of surgical smoke. That the plume wafting off cauterized tissue contains chemicals and...