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Socks to signify fall-risk patients, read about this Idea That Works from Cherry Valley, California.
IVs won't back up when using this Idea That Works from Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Alternative uses for peripheral nerve blocks. These innovations show regional anesthesia's not just for surgery.
Help patient documents stay organized with this Idea That Works from Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Staffing: 6 creative staffing solutions. Tips to keep your key people productive and satisfied.
Anesthesia Alert: Acing the pre-operative anesthesia evaluation. The right approach can go a long way toward eliminating anxiety.
Stay on your toes. Prevent slips, trips and falls in the surgical workplace.
Pump up your pain pump knowledge. How much do you know about the potential for post-op complications?
Medication management essentials. Time to brush up on proper labeling, administration and dosing practices.
Steer clear of wrong-site surgery. These kinds of mistakes are called never events because they never should happen to anyone, but they do happen.
How dangerous is surgical smoke? The foul-smelling plume can cause long-term harm to staff and surgeons.
No objects left behind. If preventing retained foreign objects is such a high priority, why is it still being reported as a common sentinel event?
How much do you know about hypothermia? The risks go well beyond low scores on patient satisfaction surveys.
Getting to the point of sharps safety. Know the facts and protect your staff.
Are you prepared for an MH emergency? Preparation is key to managing the deadly disorder.
Imaging's invisible dangers. Prolonged radiation exposure can cause lasting effects.
Save potential problems for patients calling after hours with this Idea That Works from Poughkeepsie, New York.
Donate used slipper socks, an Idea That Works from Sewell, New Jersey.
Editor's Page: 'If we chase perfection, we can catch excellence'. An NFL coach's famous words ring true for surgical facility leaders.
Staffing: The simple cure for sluggish patient flow. We choreographed a brand-new routine for our pre-op nurses.