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Surgeons' Lounge: Calling a cab. Would You Let a Patient Take a Taxi Home Alone?

Let the circulating nurse know about missing documentation with this Idea that Works from Valencia, California.

Can you afford a femto laser? Buy, lease or outsource? Here's a quick economics lesson.

Loosen adhesive easier with this Idea That Works from Seymour, Ind.

The benefits of reposable instruments. Reduce waste and control costs with these part-disposable, part-reusable instruments.

Staffing: Shape up or ship out. Send problem employees home for a day to repent and to reflect.

Surgeons' Lounge: No IV, No NPO. How Do You Handle Straight Local Cases?

8 common misconceptions about instrument decontamination. The right way to get items ready for sterilization.

Expert Q&A: wrong-site surgery. Why years of time outs and surgical site marking haven't eradicated this never event.

Keep discharge instructions crisp and consistent with this Idea That Works from Boston, Massachusetts.

Help vitrectomy patients recover at home with this Idea That Works from San Diego, California.

Make the pre-op process more pleasant. 5 ways to make surgery a hassle-free experience for patients.

Post-Op perks. Catering to patients until the moment they head home leaves a lasting impression.

A patient-centric approach to facility design. Montefiore Medical Center has every step covered.

I am a surgeon, I am a patient. Lessons learned from my time on the table.

"Why do you keep it so cold in here?" A warm patient is a happy -- and healthy -- patient.

Why patient-centered care matters. A follow-up phone call with Sandra Myerson, MBA, MS, BSN, RN

Intubate with care. Nothing ruins a patient's surgical experience like broken teeth, cut lips and airway bleeding.

Let kids drift off with a comforting scent using this Idea That Works from Media, Pennsylvania.

Improve start times with this Idea That Works from Lafayette Louisiana.

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