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Infection Prevention: To prevent infection, first assess the risk. To prevail, you need to know your enemies and know yourself.
New angles in glaucoma treatment. Minimally invasive approaches can have a major impact.
Behind Closed Doors: It's a wonderful life. Behind Closed Doors: It's a Wonderful Life
Are your room turnovers up to par? Is the need for speed forcing you to make these common mistakes?
Choose the right headlight. Surgeons shed light on the details that matter most.
All tissue banks are not the same. 3 steps to ensure your grafts are safe and effective.
Safely contain stray cords with this Idea That Works from Centralia, Mo.
The art of the IV start. Slide in smoothly with first-stick success, even on barely visible and rolling veins.
Staffing: Rehab your difficult docs. Yes, you have the power to change their troublesome behavior.
Keep your mop handles upright and limit tripping with this Idea That Works from Fairfax, Virginia.
Reserve your stretchers with this Idea That Works from Cartersville, Georgia.
Legal Update: Price your physician buy-ins with care. 3 lessons learned from a $5M whistleblower settlement.
Cutting Remarks: It's a mad dash when I overbook. I'll do anything to avoid the 5 o'clock witching hour.
From Hollywood to health care: 3D, HD and 4K are revolutionizing surgical visualization.
The details of decontamination. Start sterile processing on the right foot.
Capture doctors' impressions during product trials with this Idea That Works from New York, New York.
Editor's Page: Hostility: healthcare's huge cultural problem. It's truly sad when your reward for sharing is petty lateral violence.
Schedule meetings with vendors with this Idea That Works from San Diego, California.
How we beat pressure ulcers. The 7 things we did to lower our skin injury rate.
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