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Behind Closed Doors: Oh, the Places I've Gone. I've seen and heard a lot during my 38 years in the OR.

Tips for Safer Trendelenburg Positioning. Keep patients safe and secure during head-down tilting positions during surgery.

No More No-Shows. Tips to prevent cancelled cases and empty ORs.

Ideas That Work: Check Out This Detailed Handoff Form.

Ideas That Work: Visual Aid. Wheeled Count Boards Reduce Risk of Retained Objects.

What's New in Cataract Extraction Technology. New devices and tweaks to current ones aim to make cataract surgery so easy even a reporter can do it.

Can Your Instrument Program Pass This Test? You should be able to answer "yes" to these 5 questions.

Ideas That Work: Stay Organized. Don't Lose Your Instruments - or Your Marbles.

Clean Your Shoes Before You Enter the OR

Ideas That Work: The Cure for Cramped Quarters

#MeTooMedicine Exposes Sexual Abuse in Surgery. A nurse stands up to a powerful surgeon and health system.

Ideas That Work: Manual Communication. Sign Language Limits OR Traffic.

How Far Will Single-Use Instruments Go? On-demand, one-and-done disposable devices can relieve your instrument backlogs — and you don't have to reprocess them.

Legal Update: Medicare Shifts Its Stance on Total Knees. CMS will cover TKA in hospital outpatient departments, but not in ASCs.

Reduce staff overtime with this Idea That Works.

Down the drain or direct to drain? Our search for a simple, safe and cost-effective solution for fluid waste disposal.

Product News

Use this Idea That Works when you have a coughing patient.

4 keys to prevent patient falls. Keep your patients from taking a tumble.

Tools for difficult colonoscopies. Help your doctors see more clearly and move more easily through the colon with the latest scopes and add-ons.

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