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A Notice Board Keeps Staff Informed

3 non-invasive ways to easily track your patient's core body temperature before, during and after surgery.

Simple steps to head off confusion about patients' insurance coverage.

Great ideas for your OR

Ideas That Work: HIPAA; Keep the Schedule Confidential

Things only a surgical nurse would understand and appreciate.

Anesthetists share the ingredients to their multimodal approach to 3 painful surgeries.

The future is bright for procedures that lower intraocular pressure.

"Door Buster" Cards Help Save Lives

Is your staff prepared to swing into action to save a patient's life?

Painkillers are often not the answer to post-surgical pain.

By targeting our most vulnerable patients, we dramatically reduced SSIs.

Outfit Eye-Popping Eye ORs - Pay attention to the details when preparing versatile rooms for a full complement of cases.

Now's the Time to Add Same-Day Joints - Design your ORs to capitalize on the untapped potential of outpatient joint replacement.

Set Up for Same-Day Spine - A new 50,000-square-foot surgery center will help our surgeons keep pace with an expected jump in case volume.

Reimagining and Reinventing Surgical Workspaces

Everything You Need for ENT - With the right image-guided platform and microscope, you can set your facility up for future success.

Architectural masterpieces offer stunning examples of how incredible your facility can look and how well it can function.

Monitor Makeovers - Imaging system upgrades put the finishing touches on new-look ORs.

It's Time to Build a Better OR

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