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Ideas That Work: Help New Staff Track Their Progress

Surgical Smoke Nearly Killed Me. An orthopedic surgeon who needed a double lung transplant is on a crusade to warn others about the dangers of plume.

Business Advisor: Add-On Cases: Friend or Foe? You should always make room for one more case.

What's New in Upper GI. The latest scope add-ons let gastroenterologists see and do more.

Ideas That Work: Medication Lockbox. Keep Drugs Under Lock and Key in the OR.

Your Surgeons Won't Believe Their Eyes. Big screens and crystal clear, lifelike images will be mainstays in the operating room of the future.

Are You Fully Invested in Patient Safety? The movement toward value-based reimbursement makes positive outcomes more economically important than ever before.

Rise of the Robot. Market competition and specialty-specific platforms will make robotic-assisted surgery commonplace.

Can We End Cross-Contamination? Shoot for zero healthcare infections by focusing on these 3 overlooked sources of recontamination.

What Will the Future Of Surgery Look Like? Virtual and augmented reality promises to transform how surgery is planned, performed and promoted.

It's Time to Get Excited About What's Next. Q&A with Thomas Frey, futurist and revolutionary thinker about tomorrow's possibilities.

Can We Eliminate Post-Op Pain? Tailoring analgesic efforts to individual patients and developing techniques and technologies hold promise for a less painful future.

Adapt or Be Left Behind. Follow these 5 trends to prepare for surgery's exciting future.

Skyrocketing Demand For Outpatient Surgery. Focus on cost containment, convenience and clinical advancements to capitalize on the exponential growth of case volumes.

Surgery That Comes With a Warranty. Ensuring successful outcomes could be good for business.

Catch DVT If You Can. Deep vein thrombosis is completely treatable if caught in time, but the symptoms aren't always easy to spot.

Thinking of Buying... Rigid Sealed Containers. Here's why many facilities are moving away from blue wrap.

Ideas That Work: Pre-Op Check. Flag Patients Not Yet Ready for Surgery.

Ideas That Work: The Beauty of a Suggestion Box.

Select the Right Compounding Pharmacy. Be sure you're working with a pharmacy that shares your commitment to keeping patients safe.

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