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Nerve blocks are the most targeted form of analgesia available, arming your anesthesia providers with the ability to direct local anesthetics to specific areas of the body to...

Standardized Scripts for Every Surgery; Tailoring pill counts to procedure type will right-size your post-op opioid prescriptions.

To prevent the next patient from getting hooked on opioids, let’s first consider what helped cause the national epidemic to spiral out of control. It wasn’t surgeons passing...

Those who accuse surgery of fanning the flames of the opioid epidemic point to misguided efforts to mask virtually all post-op pain and discomfort by writing...

Like many Americans, my life has been radically altered by the opioid crisis. More than a decade ago, a family member was prescribed 50 pills of OxyContin for a relatively...

Why does the opioid epidemic hit home for you? Ilan Kirsh, my best friend from childhood, died on the stoop of my apartment in...

Who Has Access to Your Medications? Reduce diversion risks with these drug security and disposal solutions.

Boost Your Adenoma Detection Rate; ADR is the gold standard in colonoscopy quality. Do you measure up?

Ideas That Work: Cap and Gown; Caps Put Smiles on Kids' Faces

Ideas That Work: Seeing Is Believing; Pictures Are Worth a Thousand Warnings

Master of the Airway; Are your providers comfortable with an airway device in their hands?

Surgical Video Q&A; It might soon be time to make the jump from 4K to 8K monitors.

Ideas That Work: Make It Mandatory; Double (Glove) Or Nothing

Editor's Page; Those Dreaded Performance Reviews

Sharpen Your Knowledge of Sharps Safety; 6 surprising facts about sharps injury prevention

Nasal Antisepsis Done Right; 4 tips to stop staph where it lurks

Thinking of Buying... Mini C-arms; Here's what to look for in a portable fluoroscopic system.

Business Advisor: Unlock Hidden Savings in Central Sterile; 3 ways your techs can lower your instrument reprocessing costs

Anesthesia Alert: Believe in the Power of Hypnosis; Sedating patients with guided imagery and local anesthetics

Salary Survey: Your annual paycheck checkup

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