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Product News; Great Ideas for your OR

Ideas That Work: Staff-Made Reference Videos; An In-house Library Of How-to Instruction

Behind Closed Doors; My 2020 New Year's Resolutions

Pressure Ulcers: Surgery's Sore Subject; Your OR team can prevent pressure injuries by following these 5 guidelines.

Ideas That Work: 12-Step Process; Countdown to Room Setup

Ideas That Work: Facility Feud; Game-show Themed Events Help Safety Training Stick

Safety: Simulate Emergencies in Bedside Mock Drills; Let staff practice their response to urgent situations before they occur

5 Tips for Faster Turnover Times; Flipping ORs between cases demands tight teamwork and proper planning

Infection Prevention: 4 Ways to Wipe Away Surgical Site Infections; Follow this practical advice to ward off the threat of SSIs at your facility

The Conduit Interbody Platform from DePuy Synthes is made of bone-mimicking cellular titanium that closely matches the porosity of human bone to facilitate...

You’ve no doubt heard the trumpet calls of alarm about the dangers of surgical smoke. That the plume wafting off cauterized tissue contains chemicals and...

Here’s a neat way to boost team morale: Ask each employee to submit a fun fact about her life away from work, then list the interesting tidbits down one side of a sheet...

Tiger Woods works with a coach who tweaks his near-perfect swing. Stefani Germanotta takes voice lessons to be Lady Gaga. Glenn Close receives professional training...

Taping a blue line on the floor in the sterile processing department where case carts full of dirty instruments should be lined up keeps them organized and eliminates...

First the bad news: There's no way to eliminate the risk of a lawsuit. As long as you are practicing, the risk exists. The good news: You can manage risk and limit...

Skin prepping is serious business at our facility. So serious, in fact, that the staff who prep patients before surgery wear different colored gowns than the rest of the OR...

It should come as no surprise that most outpatient facilities warm their surgical patients. After all, there's an ever-growing mountain of evidence that says warming...

The annual American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Anesthesiology conference is the world's largest anesthesia meeting. On a clinical level, I'm here to see the latest...

You never know where you'll learn lessons about caring for patients, so I'm always on the lookout for excellence in service that I can translate to patient care....

Got both my knees replaced in late August — and both at the same time. Yes, I only had one surgery, one hospital stay and one course of rehabilitation, but the pain...

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