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Your OR staff is under enough pressure to achieve excellent outcomes and keep the surgical schedule on track during days packed with cases from early morning to late...

Now that many healthcare workers need to wear masks all day due to the pandemic, many complain that the elastic supports are rough on their ears, even rubbing them...

It's certainly been a challenging year for eye surgery centers, many of which were forced to close for several weeks during the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic....

Surgery must be a welcoming space for staff members and patients of all races, sexualities, genders, gender identities, ages, nationalities and physical abilities....

My family is firmly in the camp of taking the coronavirus threat seriously. Although I am beginning to venture away from home more often these days, masked and sanitized,...

Running a lean and mean surgical facility is more important than ever during COVID-19, so why should you buy premixed and prelabeled syringes from a compounding...

MYTH #1: A post-op fever is indicative of MH FACT: Many clinicians worry that MH may begin in the postoperative period with a fever...

When our surgery center launched its joint replacement program in 2017, we were the first freestanding ASC in Mass-achusetts to offer the procedures. Since then,...

Personal mobile devices are a breeding ground for bacteria, so make sure the phones, devices and laptops used throughout your facility don’t pose infection risks....

You may not give much thought to the disposable safety straps that hold patients in place during surgery, but what if you knew they were costing your hospital close to...

BD's new PurPrep is the only fully sterile povidone-iodine plus isopropyl alcohol antiseptic skin prepping agent on the market. The new formulation is a fluid-resistant,...

Our surgery center hosts small infants and young adults, so we always come up with many different ways to establish trust with our patients and reassure them before...

Like religion or politics, I don’t feel comfortable talking about the reopening of our country. It makes me anxious. I don’t believe we’re ready even though I understand the...

The proper cleaning and high-level disinfecting of flexible endoscopes has been under increased scrutiny because their long, narrow channels make it difficult for reprocessing...

Spine surgery patients placed in the prone position can develop pressure injuries on areas of their bodies without much natural protection. Fortunately, there are plenty of...

One of the many duties of perioperative nurses is to make sure cases start on time. No matter how full the day's OR schedule, however, they should never rush the informed...

Most surgeons seal up incisions with sutures or staples out of repetition and routine. Cosmesis is an afterthought as their focus begins to shift to the next case....

You've Got This: Bring Positivity to Each Workday In the fast-paced, high-pressure world of surgery, you can't eliminate stress altogether....

Total joint replacements continue to be one of outpatient surgery’s hottest specialties. Positioning your facility to capture increasing case volumes demands developing...

Are you embracing members of minority groups and welcoming all patients and staff, regardless of their race, ethnicity, sexuality and physical ability? What you say, and...

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