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Outpatient Surgery Magazine's eNews Briefs. Bringing you the surgical news you want.

Handle Workplace Legal Issues Like a Pro; Surgical leaders must learn how to appropriately address staffing concerns.

The Secret to Safer Surgery; Capturing real-time data during procedures leads to enhanced patient care

Remember Why You Work in Surgery; The beauty of compassionate patient care can reenergize your career.

Virtual OR Excellence Opens on a High Note; Keynote speaker Kay Frances tells attendees how to handle stress with positivity.

Hospitals Increasing Investments in ASCs; The trend is driven by growing interest in delivering cost-effective surgical care.

Outpatient Surgery Magazine's eNews Briefs. Bringing you the surgical news you want.

ASCs Provided Safe Surgical Care as Pandemic Spread; New survey shows patients were not at greater risk of contracting COVID-19.

Marking trash bags with an OR's room number is a simple way to shorten the search for misplaced instruments. No matter how many instrument counts take place...

On a winter’s evening in 2017, Chris Fuller, MD, was about to cut into the most vibrant green bell pepper he had ever seen. “It was splayed before me, in brilliant 4K high-def...

If you think residents of nursing homes are the only people who wind up with agonizing pressure injuries because they've been laying in the same position for weeks...

You never know how your staff will respond to a rare but potentially deadly malignant hyperthermia (MH) event until it actually occurs. When we found ourselves facing...

Years ago, Valerie Y. Marsh, BSN, MSN, DNP, CNOR, was sure a sponge had been left inside a patient. "The surgeon swore it wasn't in there, and he wasn't going to reopen...

There's no question major changes have been made in the OR as a result of COVID-19. Of course, changes come with a lot of complaints. We perioperative nurses would...

Do you ever notice how your fresh stock of facility-logoed pens always seem to disappear? If you don't want to lecture staff about "stealing" your dwindling supplies,...

Be careful, the floor's wet and slippery. Colbie Fredette, RN, absentmindedly repeats that phrase without looking up whenever someone walks into the OR during fluid-heavy...

I was working as a brand-new circulator when the surgeon on the case started making snide comments about one of the OR nurses — a sarcastic jab here, a dig there. Soon...

You need to check out Netflix’s Lenox Hill, a docuseries named after the Manhattan hospital where it takes place. It’s a brutally honest, gut-wrenching, joyous look at...

The risks and dangers of complex spine procedures are significant, so surgeons must work with specially designed tables that give them the access, visibility, versatility,...

The new tabletop T-Edge 10 Autoclave boasts a 10-inch chamber size and 32-minute cycle times — the largest capacity and the fastest times of comparably sized units,...

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