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Smart Ways to Save on Waste Disposal - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - D
6 Tips for Efficient ENT - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - December, 201
Editor's Page - Back to School - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Decembe
Behind Closed Doors - A Christmas List for the OR - Outpatient Surgery
How to Handle Obstructive Sleep Apnea - Outpatient Surgery Magazine -
Eye in the Sky - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - December, 2012
Safety - Protect Patients With Piercings - Outpatient Surgery Magazine
Infection Prevention - How We Slashed Our Colorectal SSIs - Outpatient
What's New in Anesthesia? - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - December, 20
6 Debates in Skin Prepping - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - December, 2
Coding & Billing - Late-Breaking Changes to Coding Guidelines - Outpat
Business Advisor - Capitalize or Expense That New ENT Scope? - Outpati
Letters & E-mails - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - December, 2012
Is Upper Endoscopy Overused for GERD? - This Just In - December, 2012
New Strains of Bacteria, Fungus Found in NECC Drugs - This Just In - D
Colon Cancer Breathalyzer? - This Just In - December, 2012
Breaking News - Inside the Deadly Meningitis Outbreak - ORX Proceeding
Ready to Implement an EMR? Are You Sure? - ORX Proceedings - December,
OR Excellence Award Winners Honored - ORX Proceedings - December, 2012
Stop Worrying About the Economy - ORX Proceedings - December, 2012