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Fed Up With Disruptive Surgeons? - This Just In - March, 2013
Jury Awards Patient $3.35M in Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuit - This Just In
When Fast-Tracking Goes Wrong - This Just In - February, 2013
Jury Awards Widow $1.9M in Intubation Case - This Just In - February,
No Facebooking in the OR - This Just In - February, 2013
Beware the Hidden Dangers of Anesthesia - This Just In - February, 201
FDA Warns Against Giving Children Codeine After Tonsillectomy - This J
Former Business Manager Sues ASC, Corporate Partner Over Alleged Kickb
Is Robotic Hysterectomy Better Than Laparoscopy? - This Just In - Febr
Why Are Hip Replacements Less Successful in Women? - This Just In - Fe
32 of 40 Mass. Compounding Pharmacies Cited in Surprise Inspections -
Thinking of Buying - Cloud-Based Management Services - Outpatient Surg
Cutting Remarks - What's for Lunch? - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Fe
Do Your Anesthesia Providers Go Above & Beyond? - Outpatient Surgery M
Primer on Video Integration - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - February,
Infection Prevention - Combat Flu in Your Facility - Outpatient Surger
Behind Closed Doors - If You Weren't an OR Nurse ... - Outpatient Surg
Staffing - Do You Have an Addict on Staff? - Outpatient Surgery Magazi
Take Advantage of Pain Pump Advances - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - F
Medical Malpractice - 4 Risk Management Tips for Intake of Drugs - Out